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Captions para tus posts de Instagram

A veces, las personas olvidan que los contenidos tienen que ir acompañados de una buena descripción; es decir, de captions que atraigan en redes sociales y hagan los posts dinámicos, a la vez que les den personalidad. Esto aplica principalmente para los perfiles profesionales y comerciales, pero también para los que quieren darle un giro divertido a su cuenta. Aquí te mostramos captions geniales para los distintos tipos de foto que quieras subir.

Captions para tus posts de Instagram - captions-edited
Foto: Bárbara Pérez W

Couple captions

  • Endlessly in love with you
  • You’re the best I ever had
  • Owner of my heart
  • I need you by my side
  • It wasn’t love at first sight, it took a full 5 min
  • Always on my mind
  • You’re all I ever wanted

Vacation captions

  • Here comes the sun
  • Just another beach pic popping in your newsfeed…
  • Sun kissed
  • Tropic like it’s hot
  • Don’t need a man when you got a tan
  • Enjoy today
  • Skies of blue


Lifestyle captions

  • Always keeping me healthy
  • Casual coffee day
  • Welcome to my movie
  • My favorite style
  • Send my love to your new love
  • Another mirror selfie wearing colors
  • Be a soul who find beauty in everything

Cuentas de Instagram que necesitas seguir si eres una fashion lover

Foodie captions

  • A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand
  • Food is for eating, and a good food is to be enjoyed
  • Life is uncertain, eat dessert first
  • Vegetables are must on a diet, I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie
  • Me: eats a snack while looking for a different snack
  • My weaknesses have always been food and men, in that order
  • The secret ingredient is always cheese

Las mejores cuentas de Instagram para fanáticos del interiorismo